I shot pictures of my cousin, Morgan's new infant Addison several weeks ago. Things got pretty gnarly weather wise in Oregon before my trip back home so I finally got the shots to them today. For my family back home, yes, here are the shots! All together now--aaawww.
It's been a bit since I've last posted. I've been back home in Hawaii for the holidays. While I was home I was able to collaborate with a local model named Mokihana. For those of you back home, she's currently on the cover of Oahu Weekly. She's incredibly laid back and a joy to work with. She'll use the shots from this shoot to help updated her portfolio. Take care and Happy Holidays everyone!
I went out to meet with Joe and his family at their home in Tigard on Monday. The cloud cover provided for some great even lighting. Things have been working out well as we've sort of eased into a mild winter so far. We managed to get a good amount of shooting in before the rain started. Luck was on hand yet again!
Hello and welcome to my blog, a place where I hope to post samples from my most recent work. Please check out my website at www.petercheephotography.com. Enjoy!