I met up with Elli and her mother in Tualatin today for a senior portrait shoot. As with Caleb, Elli requested an urban feel for a number of shots. It felt great to collaborate on choosing where to go to shoot and we stumbled upon a great find -- a wooden railroad bridge and tracks (and a "rustic shelter" by the water complete with ... steel picnic benches. Rustic indeed). Anyway, the shoot went great!
I met up with Caleb in downtown Portland over the weekend for a senior portrait session. He'd requested a strong urban feel for his shots, which he backed up with a longboard, hoodie and djembe. About half an hour in to the shoot, the sky completely opened up in a huge downpour. After taking cover we talked a bit and decided to use the change in weather to our advantage. I'm pretty excited how a lot of the water shots worked out. Enjoy! (update: I've added three more shots)
Yes, Saturday's wedding did indeed have all three. In fact, there was a paddle boat too! It's great to see people having fun as always. Once the wedding party busts out the Juicy Juice, you know things are going to be just fine.
Enjoy your honeymoon in Victoria, B.C. Anna and Tim -- it's a great town!
Shot pictures of Sharon and Daniel's wedding last weekend. We had a bit of a scare with some rain in the morning, but the fates smiled upon us and things went beautifully. Props for the kick-butt musical playlist for the dance floor. Nothing says love amongst friends and family like screaming along to "Bohemian Rhapsody"!
I met up with Samy and her mother, Pam, this past week for some senior graduation pics. Samy's been pretty involved with her high school theater, so we got to take a bunch of pictures back stage. Enjoy the shots, and happy birthday Pam!
Hello and welcome to my blog, a place where I hope to post samples from my most recent work. Please check out my website at www.petercheephotography.com. Enjoy!